Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Looking for America

On this July 4th I sit at my keyboard and hammer out a few thoughts. I remember days gone by when thousands of us marched off to jobs in factories and work sites. What happen to those jobs? Do people no longer drive cars, need tractors, earth moving equipment, or need simple work done on their properties. I remember a time when a man armed with a pickup and a few tools could make a good living, have a home, and watch his children grow up ands learn what it is to be an American. Were these things so subversive that special laws and treaties needed to be enacted to keep the dreams of simple men from happening. As this country comes to the end of another chapter in supply side economics, I wonder if working people have learned a simple truth. You ain't part of the plan. Sure we can keep a fresh supply of bodies ready to repel the invading hoards around the world, but the thing we hold dear must take a back seat to multinational corporate need. Tax breaks for this,tax breaks for that, borrow and spend. Well let it be known to all who seek a seat of power in this nation that business as usual is over. Immigration, no problem there. From now on large corporation that can't seem to check documentation, your officer will be put in jail and your assets seized. If I try to boost my income through illegal means that's what happens to me. Terrorism, here's an idea. How bout we shift away from imported oil and start cooking up or own fuel. Pay attention on this one corn is a scam. Henry Ford was producing flex fuel vehicles long ago. I like the idea that Cuba came up with. Instead of positioning troops all over the world, they decided to train doctors and position them. Relax we don't have to be socialist to pull this one off. Going to be pretty hard to find fanatics who don't want healthy children. I believe if we just start putting simple ideas forward the politians will follow us. The true dream of the America lives in the heart of simple middle class working people.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Tell me more about Henry Ford's flex fuel.