Sunday, November 21, 2010

Murkowski for President

Yeah, I'm not kidding. I guess this is more of a test to the present Republican Party because, what I witnessed in that race was extraordinary. The woman got beat in the primary but, never gave she didn't quit. Almost single handily she set out to win back her seat in the Senate as a write in candidate and, succeeded( 1954 was the last time that happened) despite having a name almost harder to spell than "Schwarzenegger". She is a woman who has some great qualities in public speaking, knows how to govern and, oh, by the way, she's a Republican. In the face of great skepticism she fought to represent the state and the people she loved. Does this matter to the Republican Party leadership anymore is my only question because, she seems to be a fighter and she doesn't care if she's getting paid to speak for"We the People"!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I'm Dreaming of a Palin Christmas?

Well the buzz is Sarah is a smash hit with 5 million folks tuning in to "The Learning Channel"(Any creditability they did have, is now circling the toilet right now) to see a show about her. Now granted she's probably just North of reruns of NCIS but she got some viewers. Regretfully I must admit I wasn't one of them because, as a person who loves hunting and fishing I 'd say she's a piss poor example of a sportsman or women. The second I saw this women hunting down wolves with a helicopter she lost me. Can wolves be a problem with livestock, of course, but trust me they ain't taking many cattle up in Alaska.

Now if she was looking to impress me hunt'm down on foot or horseback. As a kid in Iowa my father taught me how to hunt coyotes at age 14 and, let me tell ya it's a challenge. Flying along in a craft that can travel at better than a 100 mph and can stop and hover to give you a shot seems kinda like cheating.

I saw a clip from the show on the news showing the intrepid Sarah her husband and some young children parked in a flat bottom on a river watching a mother Kodiak bear and two cubs fishing in the river. She pointed out the fact that a mother bear is very protective her cubs and how much she admired that trait. I guess the fact that she is a human mother and bringing small children in a flat bottom boat close to a mother bear with cubs is a disaster waiting to happen.

So now I can only imagine what she has planned for Christmas with Palin's? Climbing the kids up in to avalanche country where the powder is great, but your chances of getting buried under 10 feet of snow are pretty good? Maybe taking the kids out to find the den of the mother bear hibernating with the cubs and letting the kids crawl down with a flashlight to watch the peaceful sleeping carnivorous wild beasts? Here's a twist for Sarah if she really has her eye on the oval office. Take the family down to the local Salvation Army and spend Christmas teaching the kids that not everybody can make millions quiting a job. Especially up in Alaska winter is tough and unemployment and homelessness is a real problem. Show me some leadership Sarah and do something other than hawk yourself if you actually want be POTUS!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Eve of Fear

Well the 2nd of November is fast approaching patroits. The rumor is the the new motto of Congress will be "Guns, God but, no Gays allowed. A challenge was thrown down by those of unlimited wealth," We will buy your country if we can!" Now myself I always figured you can buy a beer at the bar, a nice car, heck even a wife in some parts, for the almighty dollar. My Country? The House of "We the People"?

So come the 2nd it comes down to a vote, one man one vote. Since the "Citizen United" decision was inked this has been coming. Flashy ads run day and night by the 6 major media outlets who no doubt aren't shy about the revenue stream. So if the forces of darkness succeed in this effort of purchase my simple question would be,"What did you win for the billions of dollars spent? Favorable legislation for Wall Street, Unregulated Banking, Unrestricted access to our marketplace with goods manufactured with slave labor or, Things not yet mentioned?

I say spend your money, waste your time, have a grand parade on the victory you bought. One caveat, one final word of caution to those who funded this endeavor. America can be purchased, but I'm afraid the currency is blood, that was asking price after all.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

American Oil Company

Well fellow patroits we are quickly approaching the dog days of summer. Down in the Gulf Region of the U.S. folks in Louisiana are marching in the street so we can go back to more off shore drilling. Never mind we ain't got the present mess cleaned up, time to get back to work. You know what; why not? Little change in plans thou because, I think the time has come for us to just take over BP's rigs and pay the folks working them out of the US Treasury. Few boats from the Navy, a few Marines, take down the goofy Marshall Island Flags on the rigs and replace it with the "Star and Strips". Now we wouldn't have to permanently occupy this territory, mind you. We could call it "Operation Clean Gulf" and just be maintaining the safety of the rigs in these dangerous times(Heard a little rumor they were think about sailing their mobile rigs to cleaner waters off Africa) We just pay the folks to run the rigs and sell "Our" oil on the open market till things got tidied up off our shores. We dump a ton of money in to the military industrial complex so, why not protect the livelyhood of "American Citizens" with it. Throughout the modern history of the world, lead has always been more valuable than gold. I don't know about anybody else but, I think it's about time we reminded the slow pay folks at BP why that's true. Might be a great learning experience for the rest of the oil monopolies. Probably wouldn't even have to inspect their operations anymore for safe working practices after they watch what happen to their good friend BP. They'd probably become the safest, cleanest business on the face of the earth after that lesson. The name American Oil sounds good to me at this point in history.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Call to Arms

Call to arms to the Right-Wing. You've honed your talking points, you got the repetition thing down, but I think the time has come once again for you to come to the rescue?

Don Blankenship, CEO of Massey Energy would be a guy you should reach out to. Everything, you talk about, and hold as a fundamental truth in your life, Don will pay good money to keep in print and on TV. Mr. Blankenship prides himself on breaking the back of the United Mine Workers Union. He has spent his career bribing judges, politicians, and financially destroying coal towns out East. He thinks paying fines more cost effective than, following safe mining practices and, is openly proud of his track record. On this rainy Spring morning 29 men are dead in one of his highly profitable coal mines and, you know what the liberal media will do with this story my friends?

I ask the simple question, "Is this guy one of your myths of the Robber Barons"? At what point do we hold men like Blankenship responsible for the deaths of these men? I mean this guy would be a hero in your mind because, he struggled against the evil forces of the Union Bosses and won. Probably would have cost him several hundred million dollars to follow the safety standards the Unions wanted for their workers? For the cost of a couple a million in fines and political donations he has truimphed.

Tell me how this is a good thing Right-wingers? Tell me why you are proud that there will be 29 empty seats, at simple wood tables, in the homes of working class families out in West Virgina tonite? Show me how it's the black guy in the White House or, Nancy Pelosi who represents those filthy gay folks in San Francisco fault. I marvel at your work product and, how the so called liberal media will buy in to this being a Left or Right issue.

A call to arms folks; show us your finest work for one of the folks the Roberts court thinks should, have more "Free Speech" than this simple truck driver from podunk Iowa.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Vote Republican! Why?

Is the Republican against anything that helps put Americans back to work? I only ask this simple question because that is what any good Uber Patroit would ask. Let us travel through time my friends and, see how we got to this point in history.

For the Republicans to win they have to keep the economy in the mess they left it? This stupid game has been going on for the past 30 years. The Democrats come in and try and balance the budget and, get the American people employed again and, the Republicans start screaming about the deficit(They ran up through borrowing to make Laffers ponzi scheme seem like it works) Sorry, but I think this is where the stupid game should stop and we let Jude Wanniski's stupid statgey(Two Santa Claus Theroy) to get Republicans elected die! I'm tired of playing and, the American people can't afford the Republican Party anymore! The Republican Party has to have something besides good campaign slogans and, the financial backing of the "Chamber of Commerce".

Jim Bunning (R Sen KY) got mad and, let the cat out of the bag on the floor of the Senate. Why doesn't the Republican Party try doing something that, actually helps average Americans, instead of using them like wage slaves? Having 5 people looking for every 1 job availible might be good for the Chamber of Commerce but, it doesn't help your average American. The Republican Party wants the unemployment numbers unchanged and hovering around 10 % from now until the end of time.

No thanks, from this ex-Republican!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Supply Side, anyone?

Well the disaster pornography is hot and heavy 24/7 folks. Everybody is shining up their multi-million dollar resumes for future contracts, in the mean streets of Port-au-Prince Haiti. Strangely thou not a word of relevant context, on why so many people died. Goofy Pat Robertson(From the Holy Church of the Blood Diamond) even provided a lead in for the story to start? Now many Americans will go blissfully through their simple lives, and never give a second thought to the country of Haiti. One them poor countries where all them black folks live in squalor.

To be quite blunt this is the end result of "Supply Side Economic". Cut them taxes, no big government for me, to many bureaucrats making rules that stifle business growth...ect. I could go on, but if you turn on a TV or pick up a paper in the good old US of A, then you know this stuff by heart.

So lets look at Haiti, and take stock of where we are right now. Haiti didn't have high taxes, they didn't have big government, and there damn sure wasn't any safety standards or building codes to stifle multi-national corporations. The result was of course decades of international intervention in to the lives of the Haitian peoples. Non-stop corruption and military dictatorships stripped the wealth from that small island nation like a machine locked in overdrive. At one time Haiti was one of the great economic powers of the western hemisphere. While absent from our history books, the Haitian people take great pride in throwing out Napoleon's Army and becoming a free people. They had farms that produced sugar they exported and food to feed the population of the island. Then suddenly they could no longer export their sugar, and farms were abandoned so folks could find work in the city to keep from staving to death. Great thing if your a corporation looking for a labor pool of cheap exploitable labor? Hey,no taxes to fund basic social services, no building codes to diminish the profit margins of your factory, and no fire department to create a bloated bureaucracy. All good till a 7.0 earthquake hits the middle of that mess, and the sweat shops pull up stakes to move to greener pastures.

If this sounds like some place you know, it should? Welcome to the place we find ourselves in the year of our Lord 2010. Everybody's moved off the the farm and headed for the big city. The jobs simple people fed their families with, have moved to greener pastures. The only thing that is missing is the complete demise of our infrastructure, and a 7.0 quake hitting a city like St.Louis,MO. If you aren't paying attention you should be. Go to the 912 Project and read the goals of this so called grass roots movement and extrapolate out the end point. The nirvana so to speak of the folks funding that operation. This is the America they want to create, and are ready to spend millions to achieve that goal. Since "We the People" vote for the government we want, then you are only left with one question?

Is that where you want your children to live?