Thursday, July 5, 2007

Justice for None

The days slowly pass as the American people await the end of reign of King George the witless. As the legal community parses out the details of the Libby commutation, some basic facts can’t be escaped on this one. The numerous lawyers in the Bush administration didn’t get much input on this debacle. My humble dumb shuck from po-dunk Iowa take on this is, the unitary president tried to please everybody. What is missing from the whole debate is the fact the President could a knocked one out of the park had he used his office to pardon the right people. The folks I’m talking about of course are the border guards Compean and Ramos,as well as the marines involved in the Haditha incident. The irony in this whole sad tale is the light Bush cast on his internal deliberations. He felt that the sentence was too harsh. Come again! Call me crazy but, I thought that’s why Mr. Bush picked Judge Walton. He chose this judge specially for the purpose of enforcing the law harshly. I frankly don’t give a damn what kind of spin Tony Snow wants to put on this, claiming Clinton did it won’t take the lip stick off that pig. Back to the business at hand folks, in neither case mentioned were things done perfect. The border guards could’ve done a better job, but their motive was spot on. As for the Marine’s they should have never been used to police the streets, hence the name combat unit. When things go wrong at their job you wind up with mass casualties. Based on the fact they had already lost a guy to an IED and were expecting a counter attack, this was not a unexpected outcome. The President could have done pardons in both these cases and been heralded as a hero by most Americans, what he pulled was inside baseball to most common folks.

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