Saturday, July 21, 2007

In God We Trust.

The statement is printed on our money, In God we trust. In these heady days when the reign of the secular progressives seems unabated, according to Bill O’Rielly . As a Christian I find the things that I’m suppose to believe in and support fascinating. I was visiting my elderly parents the other day and found the TV loudly blaring the message of Pat Robertson and the 700 Club. My dad has a lot of problems with fine motor control, in other words the damnest things wind up on the screen. Pat was fielding emailed questions from the faithful.” In what form was Jesus when he ascended, and is this important”. Boy I know that question keeps me awake at night. Funny you’d think the question would go something like this. Pat, to keep the lights on and the creditors at bay I find almost impossible to have any time with my children. I find it disturbing, that a religious leader in the modern world is not focused like a laser beam on people having to work two and sometimes three jobs. Operation Blessing does some good things mind you, however somehow I get the feeling Pat may be more worried about the price of jet fuel. Mr. Robertson’s fleet of executive jet aircraft probably consumes quite a bit of Pat’s tax exempt offerings.
Throughout my life I have struggled with the question of faith. My belief in God has always been steadfast, however the organized thing has always troubled me. In my youth I was schooled in the Catholic faith. My father was good on the ceremony poor in practice. My mother was more of a pragmatist, not too much for the ceremony, good in practice. As I grew older the hypocrisy, of my faith became overwhelming. Pedophile priests, no married priests, no women priest…ect. Essentially the Church was no longer representing the people. Since the church is the people that became an untenable position for me to except.
So here I stand one Christian stepping forward into the breach of life. I found the only option left to me was to lead by example. Funny thing but the Bible is pretty straightforward in the assertion, on example being the Christian’s way of revealing oneself to society. So if you ever find yourself roaming the dusty streets of Podunk Iowa and you spot a guy in a baseball cap waving you into traffic with a pleasant smile; that’ll be me practicing my faith.

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