Sunday, April 3, 2011

Send in the Clowns

Well fellow patroits I’d say it’s time to do a little assessment of how things are going in the magical world of our nation’s dept and the champions of that cause the vaunted Tea Party.

The original tea party people were small groups protesting in front of mansions in Connecticut owned by the folks who melted down the economy. A California firm named Russo, Marsh, and Rogers started Tea Party Express so the media wouldn't focus on the story going on in Connecticut (Doesn’t take a heap of imagination to figure out who would pay Russo Marsh and Rodgers to do this). The traveling circus everybody watched going all over the U.S. is a product of that firm designed to divert people’s attention from the mess the Republican Party created. You can find tons of stories showing how people who contribute to the Tea Party have found that most of their money is going to Corporate Jet Leases and highly inflated salaries for the people running this scam. Dig a little deeper (As soon as you saw that Dick Armey was involved in something you can bet it’s a scam) and you find the Koch Brothers (Couple a rich kids who grew up in matching sailor suits and had a tendency to only like using black crayons for drawing disturbing pictures in pricey prep schools) Walton Family (Same kind of childhood, heirs to the Wal Mart fortunes) ……ect. They want the Estate Tax repealed and, turn America in to Mexico as far as environmental regulation. They hate organized labor, and Social Security and all entitlements (Things people pay money in to so, they’re entitled to them). They want an America run by a handful of wealthy folks and their paid lackeys with a cheap exploitable workforce just like we had in the good ole days in England. This is nothing new because I can remember my father mumbling some cuss words followed by the phrase”Stupid John Bircher’s” when certain politician’s names were mentioned. Hey, they’ve discovered the wonderful world of P.R. firms and mass advertising but, it’s the same folks

Now when you watch Tea Party representatives being interviewed on TV they're all in shirts with logos embroidered on the breast pocket for the cameras like corporate logos. Bottom line it's a lobbying arm of the present Republican Party. Surprise, they're trotting out the same failed policies they've been trying for the last 30 years. It was a mistake not to let the tax cuts die and it was also a mistake for the Democratic Party to only try and keep the tax cuts in place on lower income folks. It’s also a mistake to have trade deals that aren’t designed to create stable economies just like Perot warned us about back in 1992. We should have gone back to Clinton Era tax rates; scraped all our worthless ”Job Killing” trade agreements and be sorting out budget cuts with that revenue stream in place. Tax rates haven't been this low since the 50's; we have unemployment north of 5% so, surprise we’re not paying the bills.

Simple math: 1.6 Trillion minus 60 billion is still 1 Trillion dollars. Don’t care what kind of flashy uniforms you put on these jokers they’re still pitching the same failed economic policy.

From the looks of the Washington rally I’d say they’ve out lived their usefulness and pretty soon they won’t be getting covered by FOX News anymore. I’m ready to jump in to that vacuum with my own creation called “Right Wing Crazy Pac”.

The defining issue will be that if a God fearing white man smiles at a God fearing white women and she goes in to menstruation before they can get married and fertilize that would be human then we’re calling that an abortion also. More issues will follow but that will be our starting point.

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