Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Call to Arms

Call to arms to the Right-Wing. You've honed your talking points, you got the repetition thing down, but I think the time has come once again for you to come to the rescue?

Don Blankenship, CEO of Massey Energy would be a guy you should reach out to. Everything, you talk about, and hold as a fundamental truth in your life, Don will pay good money to keep in print and on TV. Mr. Blankenship prides himself on breaking the back of the United Mine Workers Union. He has spent his career bribing judges, politicians, and financially destroying coal towns out East. He thinks paying fines more cost effective than, following safe mining practices and, is openly proud of his track record. On this rainy Spring morning 29 men are dead in one of his highly profitable coal mines and, you know what the liberal media will do with this story my friends?

I ask the simple question, "Is this guy one of your myths of the Robber Barons"? At what point do we hold men like Blankenship responsible for the deaths of these men? I mean this guy would be a hero in your mind because, he struggled against the evil forces of the Union Bosses and won. Probably would have cost him several hundred million dollars to follow the safety standards the Unions wanted for their workers? For the cost of a couple a million in fines and political donations he has truimphed.

Tell me how this is a good thing Right-wingers? Tell me why you are proud that there will be 29 empty seats, at simple wood tables, in the homes of working class families out in West Virgina tonite? Show me how it's the black guy in the White House or, Nancy Pelosi who represents those filthy gay folks in San Francisco fault. I marvel at your work product and, how the so called liberal media will buy in to this being a Left or Right issue.

A call to arms folks; show us your finest work for one of the folks the Roberts court thinks should, have more "Free Speech" than this simple truck driver from podunk Iowa.

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