Sunday, January 13, 2013

No Hall of Fame for You(Confessions of an American)

I was checking up on sports and lo and behold there’s outrage within the sports writers who cover baseball that has led to no players be nominated to the Hall of Fame. So let me get this straight, these same guys who cheered through the 90’s about records being broken and baseball game scores suddenly looking like football scores are shocked that people were trying to please them and make a fortune in the process? Way back in the years of 1975-76 I read a book by a football player named Bernie Parrish who penned a bestselling book, “They Call it a Game”. This book was published in 1971 and, it was a damn good book. Parrish laid out in great detail how performance enhancing drugs were being used in professional football. At the time I was reading it I personally knew a young High School athlete who was desperately trying to land a football scholarship and, using performance enhancing drugs. Ok, I’m coming clean, it was me! I never got the scholarship and in fact by the time I was a senior I was tired of playing football. The ugly truth of all this is that the motto in all American Sports is, “If You Ain’t Cheating, You Ain’t Trying! Take a clear look back and, you’ll see that throughout history athlete were using performances enhancing techniques. The Greeks stripped themselves naked to run faster and the race has been going on ever since. I’m sorry but, as long as some kid living in poverty is offered the deal, “Look you can either just play the game without and take your chances or, use every angle to try and become a millionaire”, we all know who Americans will reward? I’m not listing the usual suspects; their names don’t matter because, for every athlete who had a shot at the Hall of Fame there’s millions just like me. If every guy who used steroids, speed, pain killers…..ect suddenly became a superman the world would be a much different place. Sure the drugs make some difference but, these guys were extraordinary athletes anyway. I’ll believe we’re serious about all this when ESPN, Sports Illustrated, Team Owners, College Presidents…ect come forward and, offer to give all the money back they made from this little endeavor we call American Sports instead of pretending to being shocked folks were cheating to get ahead. Until then, shut up and take the vote! Near as I can tell the athletes today were no different than the Greek runner long ago who stripped naked to run faster. The truth is we are looking for super people in all aspects in life. Ask yourself this, “How many people did you know who had somebody else write a college term paper or cheat on an exam to get that college diploma”? Before, we all want to punish a handful of athletes we better clean house on society itself first. Maybe, just maybe, if the sports writers just voted and, were honest, society would change. If you don’t have that courage then, just shut up and vote please because, until then you’re no different than the athletes you make a living covering.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Ma..Grab my AR15..They're Coming!

The crazy people are talking again...I need my assault rifle to stop the government? Sorry, Mr. Witless (Fill in the Blank) folks like yourself and many others put people in to public office who funded weapons systems far beyond your most fevered dreams to keep you safe. Essentially if the government thinks you're a problem some pimple faced kid in bunker near Somewhere America flys a robot within 2 miles of your location and fires "One" hellfire missile. In less than the blink of an eye, you, your stupid overpriced arsenal Crazy Wayne convinced you to buy, all the canned goods, bottled water and, the stupid steel bunker your living in gets vaporized.....What's your other plan??????

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Are You Afraid?

The grand bargain for cutting Defense Spending will take affect...Are You Afraid? Your tax rates will return to the levels back when Clinton was in office at the end of year....Are You Afraid?

Two simple questions and a ton of TV ads telling you the very ground beneath your feet will collapse and, fire will rain down from the heavens when that happens. Is that what we've become as a Nation? Really......because I'm thinking that sounds like the fiscally responsible things to do at this point? Everybody’s seen the ads talking about our 15 trillion dollars in debt and how it's Obama's fault. I'm 54 years old so, I'm pretty aware of the fact that the young man in the White House didn't run up that debt in three and half years. We've been spending more than we take in for quite a few years. Now the Republican Party is telling me once again if they take charge, they'll fix all those problems and, it won't cost me a thing. Now surprisingly with the advent of the internets you can find things from years gone by like old political ads. News flash, FDR was running against that very talking point back when he was in office folks.

You know what; I say we stop being afraid and just pay the damn bills. Let's let the cuts to defense stand and, let "All" the tax rates go back to the Clinton levels. The Republicans had six years to show me how the Laffer Curve(That would be the theory off a cocktail napkin that says when you cut taxes you increase revenue) works and, they borrowed the money to fund government the whole time they held office. Yeah, I was a Republican back in those heady days and voted to put George W. Bush in office. I found myself screaming at the TV as I watched a surplus get squandered on CSPAN in living color. By the time it was all over I watched two wars get funded by emergency spending measures. Fraud at levels never before witnessed as that borrowed money went to these engagements; the banking system collapsed(Deregulation is a good thing, who needs stuff like the Glass–Steagall Act. Wise men run these institutions we can trust their judgement????) and, we were losing 700K jobs a month.

In short I'm just tired of this whole stupid game! We couldn't afford the Bush Tax Cuts and, the proof is a 15 trillion dollar deficit. Do we need to fix some problems with Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security...Yes! First and foremost thou we must make revenues balance with spending just as no less than Alan Greenspan counseled long-ago. If you think the Republican Party isn't going to borrow to fund the government than you haven't been paying attention because, Mitt Romney's(The guy who will be signing bills in to law if the Republicans win) own plan for America will add massive deficit spending. The Hell with it all let’s just do nothing and let both the Defense spending cuts happen and the Bush Tax Cuts sunset. Whatever happens, happens but, at least we will have taken steps to pay the damn bills.

Yes President Obama, this one is actually up to you! You have the choice to do the right thing or, keep kicking the can down the road. You signed up for this job and since you already have a dog you don't need to make any friends in Washington. I'm not afraid anymore Mr. President so, just do the right thing!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Simple Trap

Sun Tzu Quote of the Day: Hence that general is skillful in attack whose opponent does not know what to defend; and he is skillful in defense whose opponent does not know what to attack. “Cory Booker's defense of Wall Street may hurt his status with liberals, but it won't hurt his bank account” There’s your headline from Mayor Booker’s Meet the Press appearance followed by several other Obama supporters repeating the same thing. Almost immediately the brain trust at team Romney grabbed the footage and threw a spot together titled “Stand with Cory”. Now for anyone who believes Mayor Booker did this by accident and Team Obama is taking him to the preverbal woodshed…..Yeah not so much. This is classic Clinton Strategy designed to deprive Romney of any oxygen. What’s everybody talking about…..Romney? Nope, Team Obama just grabbed a ton of free air time plus the bonus of getting asked a question about it at a national media event in Chicago. All the talking heads rushed to get a piece of the action and, once again surrogates came forward to get interviewed. This all costs Team Obama nada and, puts Mr. Romney in the awkward position of having to answer questions about what he did at Bain Capital. Notice nobody is saying he did anything illegal or wrong if you’re running the chop shop wing of a financial firm. Romney claims he created jobs and, now the worthless media will venture forth and accidentally do their job of verifying how many jobs. Mayor Booker played his part and, Romney’s team was dumb enough to grab the shiny object. At the end of the day he just put himself one step further from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Once again Mr. Romney under estimated his opponent and, took the bait laid in plain sight.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Rules for Radicals?

Figured it would be instructive to compare and contrast between Saul Alinsky and Leo Strauss since Newt Gingrich seems to be obsessed with Saul for some odd reason. Newt Gingrich has made several references to Saul Alinsky linking his philosophy to Pres Obama. Now most folks from podunk town America have no idea who the hell Saul Alinsky or Leo Strauss actually are, let alone have any real connection to these folks philosophies of life.

In the 1930s, Alinsky organized the Back of the Yards neighborhood in Chicago (made infamous by Upton Sinclair's novel The Jungle for the horrific working conditions in the Union Stock Yards). He went on to found the Industrial Areas Foundation while organizing the Woodlawn neighborhood, which trained organizers and assisted in the founding of community organizations around the country. In Rules for Radicals (his final work, published in 1971 one year before his death), he addressed the 1960s generation of radicals, outlining his views on organizing for mass power. In the first chapter, opening paragraph of the book Alinsky writes, "What follows is for those who want to change the world from what it is to what they believe it should be. The Prince was written by Machiavelli for the Haves on how to hold power. Rules for Radicals is written for the Have-Nots on how to take it away. Alinsky did not join political organizations. When asked during an interview whether he ever considered becoming a Communist party member, he replied: Not at any time. I've never joined any organization—not even the ones I've organized myself. I prize my own independence too much. And philosophically, I could never accept any rigid dogma or ideology, whether it's Christianity or Marxism. One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're right.' If you don't have that, if you think you've got an inside track to absolute truth, you become doctrinaire, humorless and intellectually constipated. The greatest crimes in history have been perpetrated by such religious and political and racial fanatics, from the persecutions of the Inquisition on down to Communist purges and Nazi genocide.

Now, you could read over Saul's 13 points and compare and contrast with Pres Obama and, you would probably find that Mr Gingrich shares more of Saul's strategies than Pres. Obama. I thought about laying in all out with diagrams but, that would just flat bore the crap out of ya.

Now if we head on over to take a look at Leo Strauss we find some fascinating connections with Mr. Newton Leroy Gingrich.

Leo Strauss was born in 1899 and died in 1973. He was a Jewish scholar who fled Germany when Hitler gained power. He eventually found refuge in the United States where he taught political science at the University of Chicago. He is most famous for resuscitating Machiavelli and introducing his principles as the guiding philosophy of the neo-conservative movement. Strauss has been called the godfather of Newt Gingrich’s “Contract with America.” More than any other man, Strauss breathed upon conservatism, inspiring it to rise from its atrophied condition and its natural dislike of change and to embrace an unbounded new political ideology that rides on the back of a revolutionary steed, hailing even radical change; hence the name Neo-Conservatives.

The father of neo-conservatism had many “spiritual” children at the University of Chicago, among them: Paul Wolfowitz and Abram Shulsky, who received their doctorates under Strauss in 1972. Harry V. Jaffa was a student of Strauss and has an important connection to Dominionists like Pat Robertson as we shall see below. However, Strauss’s family of influence extended beyond his students to include faculty members in universities, and the people his students taught. Those prominent neo-conservatives who are most notable are: Justice Clarence Thomas, Robert Bork, Irving Kristol and his son William Kristol, Alan Keyes, William J. Bennett, J. Danforth Quayle, Allan Bloom, John Podhoertz, John T. Agresto, John Ashcroft, Newt Gingrich, Gary Bauer, Michael Ledeen and scores of others, many of whom hold important positions in George W. Bush’s White House and Defense Department.

Yeah buddy, Leo was an interesting fella especially when you look at some of his core beliefs.

First: Strauss believed that a leader had to perpetually deceive the citizens he ruled.

Secondly: Those who lead must understand there is no morality, there is only the right of the superior to rule the inferior.

Thirdly: According to Drury, Religion “is the glue that holds society together.” It is a handle by which the ruler can manipulate the masses. Any religion will do. Strauss is indifferent to them all.

Fourthly: “Secular society…is the worst possible thing,” because it leads to individualism, liberalism, and relativism, all of which encourage dissent and rebellion. As Drury sums it up: “You want a crowd that you can manipulate like putty.”

Fifthly: "Strauss thinks that a political order can be stable only if it is united by an external threat; and following Machiavelli, he maintains that if no external threat exists, then one has to be manufactured."

Sixthly: "In Strauss’s view, the trouble with liberal society is that it dispenses with noble lies and pious frauds. It tries to found society on secular rational foundations."

Facinating! Fifthly sounds pretty familiar to recent historical events doesn't it kids?

Now you can take this all with a grain of salt and a shot of Cuervo but, it's safe to say I think Pres Obama is an abject failure if he's trying to follow the philosophies of either of these great thinkers in human history. Now Newt on the other hand seems to be doing a pretty good job with Alinsky but, is a stronger Strauss fan in my book.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Send in the Clowns

Well fellow patroits I’d say it’s time to do a little assessment of how things are going in the magical world of our nation’s dept and the champions of that cause the vaunted Tea Party.

The original tea party people were small groups protesting in front of mansions in Connecticut owned by the folks who melted down the economy. A California firm named Russo, Marsh, and Rogers started Tea Party Express so the media wouldn't focus on the story going on in Connecticut (Doesn’t take a heap of imagination to figure out who would pay Russo Marsh and Rodgers to do this). The traveling circus everybody watched going all over the U.S. is a product of that firm designed to divert people’s attention from the mess the Republican Party created. You can find tons of stories showing how people who contribute to the Tea Party have found that most of their money is going to Corporate Jet Leases and highly inflated salaries for the people running this scam. Dig a little deeper (As soon as you saw that Dick Armey was involved in something you can bet it’s a scam) and you find the Koch Brothers (Couple a rich kids who grew up in matching sailor suits and had a tendency to only like using black crayons for drawing disturbing pictures in pricey prep schools) Walton Family (Same kind of childhood, heirs to the Wal Mart fortunes) ……ect. They want the Estate Tax repealed and, turn America in to Mexico as far as environmental regulation. They hate organized labor, and Social Security and all entitlements (Things people pay money in to so, they’re entitled to them). They want an America run by a handful of wealthy folks and their paid lackeys with a cheap exploitable workforce just like we had in the good ole days in England. This is nothing new because I can remember my father mumbling some cuss words followed by the phrase”Stupid John Bircher’s” when certain politician’s names were mentioned. Hey, they’ve discovered the wonderful world of P.R. firms and mass advertising but, it’s the same folks

Now when you watch Tea Party representatives being interviewed on TV they're all in shirts with logos embroidered on the breast pocket for the cameras like corporate logos. Bottom line it's a lobbying arm of the present Republican Party. Surprise, they're trotting out the same failed policies they've been trying for the last 30 years. It was a mistake not to let the tax cuts die and it was also a mistake for the Democratic Party to only try and keep the tax cuts in place on lower income folks. It’s also a mistake to have trade deals that aren’t designed to create stable economies just like Perot warned us about back in 1992. We should have gone back to Clinton Era tax rates; scraped all our worthless ”Job Killing” trade agreements and be sorting out budget cuts with that revenue stream in place. Tax rates haven't been this low since the 50's; we have unemployment north of 5% so, surprise we’re not paying the bills.

Simple math: 1.6 Trillion minus 60 billion is still 1 Trillion dollars. Don’t care what kind of flashy uniforms you put on these jokers they’re still pitching the same failed economic policy.

From the looks of the Washington rally I’d say they’ve out lived their usefulness and pretty soon they won’t be getting covered by FOX News anymore. I’m ready to jump in to that vacuum with my own creation called “Right Wing Crazy Pac”.

The defining issue will be that if a God fearing white man smiles at a God fearing white women and she goes in to menstruation before they can get married and fertilize that would be human then we’re calling that an abortion also. More issues will follow but that will be our starting point.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

No Worries?

Well fellow Patroits we almost got one month out of the way for the fresh new Republican majority in congress and something is becoming clear; no worries! They were off and running with the mandate from the people to repeal Obamacare but, missed the part where lo and behold the American people changed their collective mind. Hey, never mind the Republicans keep their campaign promises and ignore the fact that most of the yahoos who voted for them figured they'd be repealing our "Job Killing" trade agreements; No worries! Now on to the next important agenda seems to be the issue of limiting what people can do with their private health care policies like say "Abortion". Never mind in the mile a minute media cycle nobody even cares about this anymore because surprisingly enough they'd like to see their family members get back to work again but, hey no worries there either.

Now call me crazy but, I'm beginning to get the feeling like the new Republican majority thinks they can mill around looking busy for the next two years pretending like they're actually doing something. Hey, ten years ago that would probably work but, most of us have noticed that information and speed are the new hot item in town. If the Republican congress thinks they can just do make work projects for the next two years then, they'll discover the guy from Kenya they seem to hate with a passion has kinda got the younger voters figured out. Younger folks don't give a crap about parties or ideology, they expect you to do something smart and fast. Trotting out Frank Luntz talking points from the campaign cycle last year wont work because, heck that was last year. You won, now you have to govern guys because, Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert are going to keep coming up with new material and, the drum beat of 2012 will start to come up fast. You'll still be talking about repealing Obamacare while the folks who show up for the presidential elections will be asking what have you done for me lately.

Hey but, no worries because, they'll never notice you've done nothing? "Good Luck" with that one!