The grand bargain for cutting Defense Spending will take affect...Are You Afraid? Your tax rates will return to the levels back when Clinton was in office at the end of year....Are You Afraid?
Two simple questions and a ton of TV ads telling you the very ground beneath your feet will collapse and, fire will rain down from the heavens when that happens. Is that what we've become as a Nation? Really......because I'm thinking that sounds like the fiscally responsible things to do at this point? Everybody’s seen the ads talking about our 15 trillion dollars in debt and how it's Obama's fault. I'm 54 years old so, I'm pretty aware of the fact that the young man in the White House didn't run up that debt in three and half years. We've been spending more than we take in for quite a few years. Now the Republican Party is telling me once again if they take charge, they'll fix all those problems and, it won't cost me a thing. Now surprisingly with the advent of the internets you can find things from years gone by like old political ads. News flash, FDR was running against that very talking point back when he was in office folks.
You know what; I say we stop being afraid and just pay the damn bills. Let's let the cuts to defense stand and, let "All" the tax rates go back to the Clinton levels. The Republicans had six years to show me how the Laffer Curve(That would be the theory off a cocktail napkin that says when you cut taxes you increase revenue) works and, they borrowed the money to fund government the whole time they held office. Yeah, I was a Republican back in those heady days and voted to put George W. Bush in office. I found myself screaming at the TV as I watched a surplus get squandered on CSPAN in living color. By the time it was all over I watched two wars get funded by emergency spending measures. Fraud at levels never before witnessed as that borrowed money went to these engagements; the banking system collapsed(Deregulation is a good thing, who needs stuff like the Glass–Steagall Act. Wise men run these institutions we can trust their judgement????) and, we were losing 700K jobs a month.
In short I'm just tired of this whole stupid game! We couldn't afford the Bush Tax Cuts and, the proof is a 15 trillion dollar deficit. Do we need to fix some problems with Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security...Yes! First and foremost thou we must make revenues balance with spending just as no less than Alan Greenspan counseled long-ago. If you think the Republican Party isn't going to borrow to fund the government than you haven't been paying attention because, Mitt Romney's(The guy who will be signing bills in to law if the Republicans win) own plan for America will add massive deficit spending. The Hell with it all let’s just do nothing and let both the Defense spending cuts happen and the Bush Tax Cuts sunset. Whatever happens, happens but, at least we will have taken steps to pay the damn bills.
Yes President Obama, this one is actually up to you! You have the choice to do the right thing or, keep kicking the can down the road. You signed up for this job and since you already have a dog you don't need to make any friends in Washington. I'm not afraid anymore Mr. President so, just do the right thing!
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
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