Sunday, January 30, 2011

No Worries?

Well fellow Patroits we almost got one month out of the way for the fresh new Republican majority in congress and something is becoming clear; no worries! They were off and running with the mandate from the people to repeal Obamacare but, missed the part where lo and behold the American people changed their collective mind. Hey, never mind the Republicans keep their campaign promises and ignore the fact that most of the yahoos who voted for them figured they'd be repealing our "Job Killing" trade agreements; No worries! Now on to the next important agenda seems to be the issue of limiting what people can do with their private health care policies like say "Abortion". Never mind in the mile a minute media cycle nobody even cares about this anymore because surprisingly enough they'd like to see their family members get back to work again but, hey no worries there either.

Now call me crazy but, I'm beginning to get the feeling like the new Republican majority thinks they can mill around looking busy for the next two years pretending like they're actually doing something. Hey, ten years ago that would probably work but, most of us have noticed that information and speed are the new hot item in town. If the Republican congress thinks they can just do make work projects for the next two years then, they'll discover the guy from Kenya they seem to hate with a passion has kinda got the younger voters figured out. Younger folks don't give a crap about parties or ideology, they expect you to do something smart and fast. Trotting out Frank Luntz talking points from the campaign cycle last year wont work because, heck that was last year. You won, now you have to govern guys because, Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert are going to keep coming up with new material and, the drum beat of 2012 will start to come up fast. You'll still be talking about repealing Obamacare while the folks who show up for the presidential elections will be asking what have you done for me lately.

Hey but, no worries because, they'll never notice you've done nothing? "Good Luck" with that one!

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