Monday, March 15, 2010

Vote Republican! Why?

Is the Republican against anything that helps put Americans back to work? I only ask this simple question because that is what any good Uber Patroit would ask. Let us travel through time my friends and, see how we got to this point in history.

For the Republicans to win they have to keep the economy in the mess they left it? This stupid game has been going on for the past 30 years. The Democrats come in and try and balance the budget and, get the American people employed again and, the Republicans start screaming about the deficit(They ran up through borrowing to make Laffers ponzi scheme seem like it works) Sorry, but I think this is where the stupid game should stop and we let Jude Wanniski's stupid statgey(Two Santa Claus Theroy) to get Republicans elected die! I'm tired of playing and, the American people can't afford the Republican Party anymore! The Republican Party has to have something besides good campaign slogans and, the financial backing of the "Chamber of Commerce".

Jim Bunning (R Sen KY) got mad and, let the cat out of the bag on the floor of the Senate. Why doesn't the Republican Party try doing something that, actually helps average Americans, instead of using them like wage slaves? Having 5 people looking for every 1 job availible might be good for the Chamber of Commerce but, it doesn't help your average American. The Republican Party wants the unemployment numbers unchanged and hovering around 10 % from now until the end of time.

No thanks, from this ex-Republican!