Monday, November 30, 2009

Calling all Americans

Well guys were bring'n those scary terrorist to justice in Manhattan. Now in my mind, I think this is a giant step in the right direction. The military did their job, time for "We the People" to do ours. Ya bring the damn evidence, the accused has the right to challenge that evidence, and gets judged by a jury of their peers. This is pretty fundamental proud American stuff. What, if we don't do this Al Qaeda crazies aren't going to attack us anymore? All those who want to follow that logic, please take the next plane leaving this country. We are Americans, and I'm sorry if you didn't get the memo, but that means we live by those rule, and we are willing to die for those simple beliefs. "A Nation of Laws, not Men" I'm frankly shocked that Republicans especially those representing the great state of Texas are starting to sound like a bunch of pansies. Time for the folks on the Republican side of aisle to quit hiding under their desks, and stand up. Frankly you people are starting to embarrass the rest of us.
Americans ain't scared of jack shit!
If you want to kneel down and beg for mercy from a bunch of mad men?
Speak up, so the guys buried in Arlington can hear ya.